Hey guys! Nice to meet you. ;)
I'm Kayla. I'm an Accounting major at a teeny tiny school in Arkansas. That's right, I said Arkansas. And no...I'm not related to my boyfriend.
Let me take a moment to introduce you. He's the sunshine in my sky. The creamer in my coffee. The cheese on my pizza!
Alright back to me.
They say I'm 5'2", but in REALITY I'm 10 feet tall. I snort when I laugh (THANKS MOM). The electric slide is my all-time favorite dance ever. I bite my nails as much as a nicotine addict smokes--I've probably quit 20+ times in my life. My bestfriend-soulmate (yeah I just made that up) is over at Sweet Little Somethings. She did, in fact, inspire me to start blogging. Twice.
I'm a compulsive neat freak. I LOVE Clorox wipes. I don't like the "lived in" look. I like the "yes, my house is spotless all the time" look. By house I mean studio apartement--that's right, no bedroom. I ALWAYS need chapstick, and I NEVER have my own. Luckily, I'm always with that fine guy up there--who always has chapstick.
I'm taking this tiny little space on the internet to ramble, vent, and inspire. Mostly, to inspire myself. Oh and I think I should reiterate the fact that I DO know the difference between PIECE and PEACE.
piece and love,
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